Outwell Montana 6 Front Awning Shop 50 Off
Because we use it as a storing area, our 'living room' in a tent gives as a lot of space for table and chairs in the middle and still feel free to walk around - specially in the rain. We recommend it big time, we are not sorry for having it! What we also like is a possibility to open a front to the side as shown on the photo.
Saves the main tent and carpet (if you have one) from getting sodden and muddy if it rains, as provides roomy wet weather entrance.
Needs a better hanging attachment for a light (only has hole through extra piece of material) and if you're 5'3' like me, can't reach to turn off a light unless it's hanging further down, and since the awning can be an area to make tea / eat a meal / sit and play games, a better housing for a more robust light would be welcomed.
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Zip up window covers would be appreciated a) to hide the awnings interior from nosy prying eyes when you are out b) to try and deflect direct sunlight (read a story about a lady whose awning had a small hole burned through it because the sunlight magnified through the awning window onto a lemonade bottle that the lady was keeping in the awning, the lemonade bottle magnified the sun onto the far wall of the awning and a hole was burned through!
Zip that zips all the way around the front door making it watertight, if the wind loosens the guy ropes holding the front of the awning out, the front of the awning then 'droops' into the living space and hangs over the groundsheet, if it rains you wake up to rainwater having created a lake on your groundsheet. We learned to pull the groundsheet away from the door at night that way the rain would simply run onto the grass.
We found it easy to put up and it added a lot of space to the already spacious Montana 6P. It was really handy to have as our cooking/dining area and to have the front panel open on sunny days.
Outwell Montana 6 Front Awning 2018 Campingworld.co.uk
Easy to pitch although not sure that I would take it if we were just going for a weekend camp as the tent itself is spacious.
I would echo the earlier review that the only thing we were disappointed at was the flimsy PVC lantern hanging point (unlike the plastic ring in the tent). We took our lantern off after the first day as it looked like it was going to tear.
Great addition to our yukon 6 polycotton tent, allows us to have all are dining and cooking utilities in one place, with windows all round it offers great views even when the weather is against you, the detachable groundsheet makes it easy to keep clean. Easy to put up just 2 poles, don't know what we would do without it.
Outwell Montana 6p Zelt
We purchased our Front Awning to use as a kitchen/dining room and general storage area for extended holidays (for us that being over 5 nights plus). I think less than 5 nights it is too much effort (it takes about another 20 minutes to erect).
We tested it last weekend and it does provide almost double the room again. It really did prevent the main area from being cluttered as well as keeping the carpet free of mud (it rained heavy typically). The ground sheet is held on with toggles and quick release clips so it can be taken off for cleaning.
This worked really well as a kitchen area and out Outwell Richmond Kitchen fitted the area nicely with enough room left. I think due to the Panoramic front there probably is slightly less space than last year’s model. However I much prefer the new look as we could have purchased a new 2011 Awning from Go Outdoors.
Outwell Montana 6p Tent
Like the main tent the awning has tinted windows, which I think work really well. I do wish that this model had zip up curtains like the main tent (the 2011 Montana 6 Front Awning had them). I guess Outwell are relying on the tinted windows instead. Regardless it would have been good to have had them for additional privacy in the evening/when we are out.
Also it would be better if they had the same style lantern hanging point with Velcro ties like the main tent has. The awning has a piece of PVC with a hole in it.
The front can be opened up as it has toggles into a sort of / \ effect so on nice days it can be opened up for better ventilation. It also has vents above the windows, something earlier models didn’t have I understand.
Outwell Montana 6sa
Other than the two points above I am happy with this purchase and would highly recommend it as it increases the size of your tent dramatically.
Manufacturer's Description Easily and securely attached to the main tent with hooks to complement the generous tent design, the Montana 6P Awning adds loads of extra space, with large windows ensuring an airy feel, for longer family camping holidays. It matches the tent’s colour, design and style to form a unified whole complete with luminous piping.
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Die vielseitige Frontmarkise Montana 6 lässt sich mit Haken an der ersten Zeltstange des Hauptzeltes sicher und einfach befestigen. Sie passt zu Farbe, Design und Leuchtpipeline des Zeltes. Es bietet luftige, flexible Wohn-, Koch- und Lagerflächen, große Fenster und eine offene Front für maximales Innenlicht. Eigenschaften: Clips sauber zum Zelt für eine sichere, zugfreie Dichtung Der Mud Valance verhindert Spritzer, die das Zeltgewebe verschmutzen Große getönte Fenster Völlig nahtversiegeltes Überzelt für maximalen Schutz vor den Elementen Verstärkungsflecken an allen Belastungspunkten Vorgesetzte leuchtende Abspannleinen für Komfort und schnelles Stampfen Schnell und einfach anzubringen und zu lösen wie erforderlich Funktionen Symbole: Outtex® 5000: Outtex® 5000 (Polyester) nutzt die neuesten technologischen Fortschritte in seiner Entwicklung und mit einem hydrostatischen Kopf von 5000 mm (der hydrostatische Kopf zeigt die Wassermenge auf 1 cm2, bevor das Wasser in die Beschichtung eindringt) Feuerdämmend: Material erfüllt die neuesten Vorschriften für Zeltmaterialien Verklebte Nähte: Zusätzlicher Schutz für alle Nähte, das Band verhindert das Eindringen von Wasser OWS-System: Das Outwell Wind Stabilizer System verwendet ein starkes Klettverschlusssystem als direkten Befestigungspunkt für das Außenzelt und den Zeltstock. Ein effektives System, das das ganze Zelt bei jedem Wetter stabil hält. OPS-System: Outwell Power Stability System: Unser steifes Stahlstangensystem, das mehr Kopffreiheit und Innenraum im Zelt ermöglicht. Abnehmbare Badewanne Groundsheet: Eine strapazierfähige Bodenplane, die bei Bedarf ganz bei Bedarf gelassen oder entfernt werden kann - bei warmem Wetter oder zur Reinigung Outwell Easy Access System: Die Haupttür wird zur Seite gefaltet und die Bodenplane liegt bündig mit dem Boden für einen sicheren und einfachen Zugang. Getönte Scheiben: Fenster mit getönter Beschichtung, die zwei wichtige Funktionen erfüllen; Schutz vor den Blendungen der Sonne und Privatsphäre im Zelt. Trockener Reißverschluss: Praktisches, effektives Panel über die Länge des gesamten Reißverschlusses, zum Schutz vor Regen usw Tragetasche: Tasche mit Gurten zum Tragen des gepackten Zeltes kurze Distanzen Spezifikationen: Außenzelt: Outtex® 5000 (100% Polyester Oxford / Taft) mit verschweißten Nähten Hydrostatischer Kopf: 5000 mm Mastkonstruktion: Stahl Stangen: Stahlstangen 19 mm Boden: Doppelt beschichtetes 100% Polyethylen, 10.000 mm Wassersäule Guideselection Typ: Haken Packungsgröße: 27 x 68 cm Gewicht: 16, 0 kg Guideauswahl Höhe: 215, 00
Outwell Montana 6 Front Awning hat die offizielle Outwell Herstellergarantie. Als offizieller Outwell Händler haben alle unsere angebotene bergwandern Artikel eine 2 jährige Herstellergarantie. Bei trekkinn widmen wir uns hochwertigen Zelte Produkten, die Ihr Hobby und Sport komfortabler machen. Wir haben eine große Vielfalt an Markisen und vorzelte Artikeln, um Ihre Bedürfnisse und Wünsche zu übertreffen und Ihnen eine Inspiration zu geben, um mehr Sport in Ihre tägliche Routine zu integrieren.
Outwell Montana 6 Front Awning From Outwell For £320.00
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